reference domain, through its Google maps tab, is located in a geographical area close to the person doing a particular search, the closer it is geographically, the more Google is able to understand whether it is relevant or not to that research.The average score of this factor does not prove to be very high with only 3.56, relevance class B but the trend is certainly growing.SEO Trends GeolocationAVERAGEAccording to the respondents, the presence of interesting/useful images and videos within a page had an .
average score of 3.46 with a relevance class of B and the tren Europe Cell Phone Number List d proves to be stable.SEO Trends MediaSITE SPEEDThe loading speed of a site's pages is confirmed to be a growing trend with relevance class A and an average score of 4.31, once again becoming a leading factor.Loading speed is presumably becoming increasingly important because we live in an increasingly .
mobile-oriented world where people want content loaded quickly.SEO Trends Site SpeedHTTPSThe use of the security protocol after the boom of 2-3 years ago has remained an important factor with a score of 3.88 and a relevance class of B. A trend that proves to be growing.SEO Trends HTTPSThe next two final factors were included by Digital Coach for the first time this.
year.MOBILE CONTENTBeing a period permeated by mobile, the production of valid content suitable for this world (length, size, effectiveness, quality, in-depth analysis, etc.) has become important.With a score of 4.40 and a relevance class of A, the trend therefore shows great growth.SEO Trends Mobile ContentMARK UP/SCHEMA.ORGStructured content, i.e. the ability.