Find information about opening a business with incentives for self-employment and enter the world of entrepreneurship. I'm writing this blog post to help anyone who doesn't want to depend on job offers on the market, but whose goal is to start their own business. I will try to describe each step in this endeavor in as much detail as possible. Searching the Internet, I came across information that was outdated and needed to be updated due to the constantly changing legislation. I believe that I will help many people achieve their goals.
If you are interested in how to open a company, read: Guide to opening a company (doo) in Croatia. UPDATE AFTER THE CORONA VIRUS: From 1.7. In 2020, new rules for granting Jamaica WhatsApp Number List subsidies for self-employment apply. After a few months of hesitation, I decided to become a craftsman and go into business. I gathered international business knowledge while working in Spain, became interested in the start-up world and exchanged ideas and experiences with many start-ups. Let's go back to Pula, the city where I will register with the Croatian Employment Service.
One of the main conditions for receiving incentives is that you are registered with the CES as an unemployed person, it does not matter how long you have been in the records, it can be just one day! At the reception, they assign me an employment counselor and we arrange a meeting in four days. Self-employment As this is my first application to the CES, it was necessary to bring evidence of education (formal and informal) and to have a short interview with an employee of the CES. I immediately signed up for a two-hour workshop on self-employment measures, during which the employment counselor explained all the details about the application conditions, rules and other important information.