The Foundation opens the doors of its documentary archive with the creation of the Center for Documentation, Research and Educational Innovation ' La Llum '. The cultural space was inaugurated today by the president of the Foundation, Luis Boyer, accompanied by the director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis García Montero, the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, and the president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón.To launch this new center, the Caja Mediterráneo Foundation has converted the reading room of the Gabriel Miró Library into a multifunctional exhibition area, with an entrance and presentation area. Likewise, a spacious consultation and work room has been created for researchers with online access to the catalogs of digitized collections and consultation of originals.
The reconversion of the center has been carried out respecting the interior of the building and highlighting its original approach designed in 1973 by the recently deceased architect Juan Antonio García Solera. From today it is possible to see first-hand Country Email List fundamental documentation to understand the evolution of Alicante during the last 150 years , through letters, photographs, books, personal objects and other documents of interest. The entity's old collection, made up of books from before 1800, has also been opened.most important cultural initiative that our entity has undertaken in recent years, since it aims to open our very rich documentary collection to society, mainly to the educational and research community,” Boyer stated during the opening ceremony . Among the people who donated their legacy to the current Foundation, “ most of the most illustrious Alicanted.
The archive has been divided into four large collections: Legacies and Donations, Singular Collections, “Memory of the Foundation” Collection and Plastic Arts Collection.The most representative of the four that make up the center of La Llum is Los Legados y Donaciones. It brings together documents from Óscar Esplá , Azorín , Eusebio Sempere, Gabriel Miró , Jorge Juan, Emilio Varela, Germán Bernácer, and so on up to 21 leading Alicante personalities.Some of these funds belong to the founders of Alicante modernity, a generation that stood out exceptionally in culture, society and artistic creation at the beginning of the 20th century . These files made up of letters, photographs, books, personal objects, and other documents of interest, represent vital scenarios in which the protagonist's childhood and adolescence has passed, in which his personality has been formed.